Recently, Bonine Raitt was at the Greek Theatre in Hollywood. She told a story about a friend of hers who was the donor family of organs that had been donated. The heart recipient has reached out to thank her for her precious donation and her friend put her ear on the recipient so she could hear her son’s heart beating once again. Bonnie Raitt was so moved that she wrote a song about it.
This was a similar story to mine where the donor family listens to their son's heart beating in my chest. Several people called me to tell me the story, wondering if Bonnie Raitt’s story was about me. It was not.
I decided to send the link of Bonnie’s song to my donor’s mother figuring she might appreciate it. What she said inspired me. She told me that she was in the hospital with emergency gall bladder surgery. She also said that she was contacted by all of her four children and now with my e-mail, her fifth child.
Life can be strange sometimes. But we all find meaning in small acts of kindness. Never would I have imagined that forwarding an e-mail that would have such an effect. Bonnie Raitt couldn’t have imagined it either.
Listen to her song lyrics here: